Phone(306) 781-2016
Fajr    Begins:7:13Am    Iqama:07:30AM   |   Sunrise    Begins:08:53AM    Iqama:-   |   Dhuhr    Begins:1:10 PM    Iqama:01:30 PM   |   Asr    Begins:03:09PM    Iqama:03:30 PM   |   Maghrib    Begins:05:29 PM     Iqama:05:34 PM   |   Isha'a    Begins:07:07PM    Iqama:08:00 PM   |   Jumma    Begins:01:15 PM    Iqama:01:45 PM   |   
Rahmah Centre
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Our Centre is always looking for dedicated individuals to help in different areas. The time and support provided by our volunteers allow our organization to reach new levels of success in carrying out our mission and vision; this is an excellent opportunity to make an impact in your community! May Allah reward you and grant you success in what He loves and is pleased with, Ameen.

Rahmah Center Volunteer Form


What days of the week can you volunteer?

Are you interested in joining one of our committees, if yes, which one?