Phone(306) 781-2016
Fajr    Begins:7:05Am    Iqama:07:30AM   |   Sunrise    Begins:08:40AM    Iqama:-   |   Dhuhr    Begins:1:12 PM    Iqama:01:30 PM   |   Asr    Begins:03:20PM    Iqama:04:00 PM   |   Maghrib    Begins:05:43 PM     Iqama:05:48 PM   |   Isha'a    Begins:07:18PM    Iqama:08:00 PM   |   Jumma    Begins:01:15 PM    Iqama:01:45 PM   |   
Rahmah Centre
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Helping the

There are many community outreach, interfaith and volunteer opportunities at the Rahmah Center. Please let us know how you’d like to serve the community by emailing us